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3.1.Modification of scalar adjectives

Section, sub I, has shown that set-denoting adjectives often come in antonym pairs, which can be placed on a single implied scale. This is illustrated in (2) for the antonymous adjectives slecht'evil/bad' and goed'good'. For our present purposes, it is important to observe that the two adjectives each indicate a range on the scale, that is, that they are both scalar (although it should be noted that goed can also be used as an absolute adjective, in which case it stands in opposition to fout'wrong'; cf. example (270) in Section 3.2, sub II.

Scale of “goodness":

Section 3.1.1 will discuss the semantic relevance of scales, and Section 3.1.2 will show that so-called intensifiers can be used to refer to a specific point/interval of the range denoted by the adjectives. Section 3.1.3 continues with a discussion of (discontinuous) complex intensifying phrases headed by zo'so', te'too', voldoende'sufficiently' and genoeg'enough'.

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