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5.2.3.Demonstrative pronouns

Like articles and possessive pronouns, demonstrative pronouns can be held responsible for the referential properties of the DPs they are heading: we will see that demonstrative pronouns can be definite or indefinite, for which we will use the terms D-linked and non-D-linked, for reasons that will be come clear later. Furthermore, like the possessive pronouns, the demonstratives differ from the articles in that they normally form a partition of the entities in the domain of discourse (domain D). For example, in contrast to the DP de boeken, a DP like deze boeken'these books' need not refer to the complete set of books in domain D; the set of books is, rather, divided into two (or more) subsets, and the DP refers to the entities contained in one of the resulting subsets.
      This section is divided into two parts: Section will discuss the core functions of the demonstrative pronouns and provide a classification of the various types, and Section will pay attention to various more special uses of the demonstratives.

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