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Adv > V

Verbal conversion from an adverb is relatively rare. An example is healwiizje to act foolishly, which derives from healwiis foolish(ly).


Conversion of an adverb to a verb is a marginal affair. It mostly occurs with adverbs that also occur as adjectives. The meaning of the converted verb is something like 'to act in a way that is expressed by the adverb'. Examples are healwiis foolish > healwiizje to act foolishly, wyld wild > wyldzje to be on the go and gek crazy > gekje to act crazy.

Furthermore, there are a few cases of adverbial bases that can be considered as univerbations of phrases. Examples are hinne-en-wer to-and-fro > hinne-en-werje to walk up and down and út fan hûs out of house staying overnight > útfanhúzje to stay over. The verb op-en-delderje to fuck (from op en del up and down) must have been derived from a verb op-en-delje, since the iterative or frequentative suffix -er only attaches to verbs. This intermediate verb, although completely conceivable, has not been attested, however.

As with the other verbal conversions, the resulting verbs belong to weak class II.


This topic is based on Hoekstra (1998:152).

  • Hoekstra, Jarich1998Fryske wurdfoarmingLjouwertFryske Akademy
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