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The vocative function

Vocative noun phrases are characteristically proper nouns, presumably because they have a unique reference in the domain of discourse. An example is given below:

Lisa, kom hier!
Lisa come here
Lisa, get over here!

Nouns denoting a profession of some social importance are also easily used as vocatives:

Dokter, sal.AUX.MOD u saam met my kom, asseblief?
doctor will.AUX.MOD you.HON together with me come please
Doctor, could you come with me, please?

Nouns denoting family relations may also be used in this way, as is shown by the example below:

Ma, het jy al geëet?
mother have.AUX you.SG already eat.PST
Mother, have you eaten already?

Nouns denoting family relations, referred to as kinship terms, may also be used in this way, as is shown by Tannie Aunt the example below:

Goeie more, Tannie, kan ek vir Tannie tee gaan maak?
good morning aunt can.AUX.MOD I for aunt tea go.LINK make
Good morning, Auntie. Can I make you some tea?
In the example above, the noun donating a family relation are also used as 'n noun of address. This use is discussed in the next section.
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