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Stress in verbal compounds

With the exception of NV compounds, the formation of verbal compounds is unproductive in Frisian. The second constituent of such compounds is a verb, while the first constituent can be:

  1. a noun (N),
  2. an adjective (A),
  3. a verb (V),
  4. an adverb (Adv),
  5. a particle

[+]NV compounds

Whereas, on the whole, NV compounding is not very productive in Germanic languages, in Frisian it is. NV compounds come in two types, viz. separable and non-separable ones, both of which have stress on the initial constituent. This is exemplified in (1):

a. NV compounds: non-separable
      hanwaskje [[han][waskje]] ['hɔ̃.vɔs.kjə] wash one's hands
      kofjedrinke [[kofje][drinke]] ['kof.jə.ˌdrɪŋ.kə] have coffee
      aisykje [[ai][sykje]] ['aj.sik.jə] gather eggs
      angelfiskje [[angel][fiskje]] ['aŋ.ŋəl.ˌfɪs.kjə] to angle
b. NV compounds: separable
      kjeldskypje [[kjeld][skypje]] ['kjɛlt.skip.jə] catch a cold
      hoekhâlde [[hoek][hâlde]] ['huk.hɔ:.də] to persevere
      dielnimme [[diel][nimme]] ['diəl.nɪm.mə] take part
      deisizze [[dei][sizze]] ['daj.sɪz.zə] to greet (lit.: say day)

The noun minskepleagjen [[minske][pleagjen]] ['mẽ:.skə.ˌplɪəɣ.jən] a name for heavy and difficult work presupposes minskepleagje vex people, a non-existent, but otherwise perfectly possible NV compound.

AV compounds are separable verbs, with stress on the initial constituent; see the examples in (2):

goedsizze [[goed][sizze]] ['ɡuət.sɪz.zə] to approve
bleatlizze [[bleat][lizze]] ['blɪət.lɪz.zə] lay open
klearkomme [[klear][komme]] ['klɪər.kom.mə] be finished
fêstnimme [[fêst][nimme]] ['fɛ:st.nɪm.mə] to arrest
[+]VV compounds

Compounds consisting of two verbs are rare. VV compounds are of the coordinating type. They are found in the modifier position of (subordinate) nominal compounds or they form verbs in their own right. In the modifier position of nominal compounds they have final stress, as independent verbs they have initial stress. Examples are provided in (3):

a. VV compounds in the modifier position of nominal compounds
      mean-terskmasine [[mean][terskmasine]] [mɪən-'tɛsk.mas.ˌsi.nə] combine
      wen-sliepkeamer [[wen][sliepkeamer]] [vɛ̃-'sljɪp.kɪə.mər] living and bedroom
      fyts-kuierrûte [[fyts][kuierrûte]] [fits-'kœy.jər.ˌru.te] cycle and walking tour
b. VV compounds as verbs in their own right
      fimeltiizje [[fimel][tiizje]] ['fi.məl.ˌti:z.jə] to squabble
      giisgobje [[giis][gobje]] ['ɡi:z.ɡob.jə] to giggle
      hoallefoalje [hoalle][foalje]] ['vwal.lə.ˌfwal.jə] to romp
      hippelewipje [[hippele][wipje]] ['hɪp.pə.lə.ˌvɪp.jə] to wag
[+]AdvV compounds

Frisian has a fair number of compounds consisting of an adverb and a verb. Stress is on the first constituent ‒ see the examples in (4a) ‒, with the exception of two cases, both with the adverb mâl silly; wildly, for which see (4b):

a. AdvV compounds: strong-weak pattern
      droechswimme [[droech][swimme]] ['drux.swɪm.mə] practise swimming on dry land
      hurdrinne [[hurd][rinne]] ['høt.rɪn.nə] to run
      heechspringe [[heech][springe]] ['he:x.sprɪŋ.ŋə] do high jumping
      fierljeppe [[fier][ljeppe]] ['fiər.ljɛp.pə] do pole vaulting
b. AdvV compounds: weak-strong pattern
      mâlbeare [[mâl][beare]] [mɔ:l.'bɪə.rə] to make a fuss
      mâlgûle [[mâl][gûle]] [mɔ:l.'ɡu:.lə] to scream
[+]Particle verbs

There are separable and non-separable particle verbs. If stress is on the particle, the verb is separable, if it is on the verb, it is non-separable. Separable particles can stand alone. An example is foar, as in foargean // go ahead, which stands alone in wy geane foar // we go ahead (*wy foargeane). The non-separable particles cannot stand alone, that is, they always form a unit with the verb stem. An example is foldwaan to satisfy, the non-separabilty of which is illustrated by hja foldienen har skuld they satisfied their debt (*hja dienen har skuld fol). See the overview of separable and non-separable particle verbs in (5).

a. Separable particle verbs
      by- [bɛj] byknippe ['bɛj.knɪp.pə] to trim
      efter- [ɛftər] efterhâlde ['ɛf.tər.hɔ:.də] to withhold
      foar- [fwar] foarbakke ['fwa.bak.kə] to pre-fry
      yn- [in] ynskriuwe ['ĩ.skrjo:.wə] sign up
      nei- [naj] neiprate ['naj.pra:.tə] stay and talk
      oer- [uər] oersette ['uər.sɛt.tə] to translate
      ôf- [ɔ:] ôffalle ['ɔ:.fɔl.lə] to disappoint, fall short; lose weight
      op- [op] optille ['op.tɪl.lə] lift (up)
      ûnder- [undər] ûnderdûke ['un.dər.du.kə] go in hiding
      út- [yt] útstjoere ['yt.stjuə.rə] to broadcast
b. Non-separable particle verbs
      fol- [fol] foldwaan [fol.'dwa:n] to satisfy
      oer- [uər] oerwinne [uər.'vɪn.nə] to defeat
      ûnder- [undər] ûnderfine [un.dər.'fi.nə] to experience
      foar- [fvwar] foarsizze [fwa.'sɪz.zə] to predict
      oan- [oən] oanfurdigje [õə̃.'fød.dəɣ.jə] to accept
      efter- [ɛftər] efterfolgje [ɛf.tər.'folɣ.jə] to pursue
      om- [om] omklampe [om.'klam.pə] to grasp
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