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A general introduction to middle constructions can be found in Ackema & Schoorlemmer (2006). The middle constructions discussed above correspond to what Ackema and Schoorlemmer call "type I middles". Ackema & Schoorlemmer's study also reviews a number of theoretical approaches to the derivation of middle constructions and compares middles with a number of constructions that can readily be confused with them like inchoative unaccusative and easy-to-please constructions (the latter of which, unfortunately, seem to be mixed up with modal infinitives occasionally). Our discussion on regular middle constructions is further based on Keyser & Roeper (1984), Paardekooper (1986), Fagan (1988/1992), Levin (1993), Hoekstra & Roberts (1993), Ackema & Schoorlemmer (1994/1995) and Hulk & Cornips (1996). Discussions of impersonal and adjunct middles can be found in Hoekstra and Roberts (1993) and Ackema and Schoorlemmer (1994). A brief section on the reflexive middle can be found in Everaert (1986/1990), while the Heerlen Dutch cases are discussed in Cornips (1994/1996) and Cornips & Hulk (1996). We did not pay much attention in this section to the longstanding question as to whether the external argument of the input verb is syntactically realized in middles. The reason is that Ackema & Schoorlemmer (2006:184-191) have shown that the traditional tests for detecting implied agents (like control and binding) provide less than reliable results in the case of middles.

  • Ackema, Peter & Schoorlemmer, Maaike1994The middle construction and the syntax-semantics interfaceLingua9359-90
  • Ackema, Peter & Schoorlemmer, Maaike1994The middle construction and the syntax-semantics interfaceLingua9359-90
  • Ackema, Peter & Schoorlemmer, Maaike1995Middles and nonmovementLinguistic Inquiry26173-197
  • Ackema, Peter & Schoorlemmer, Maaike2006MiddlesEveraert, Martin & Riemsdijk, Henk van (eds.)The Blackwell companion to syntax3Malden, MA/OxfordBlackwell Publishing131-203
  • Ackema, Peter & Schoorlemmer, Maaike2006MiddlesEveraert, Martin & Riemsdijk, Henk van (eds.)The Blackwell companion to syntax3Malden, MA/OxfordBlackwell Publishing131-203
  • Cornips, Leonie1994Syntactische variatie in het Algemeen Nederlands van HeerlenAmsterdamUniversity of AmsterdamThesis
  • Cornips, Leonie1996The spread of the reflexive adjunct middle in the Limburg dialects: 1885 -1994Cremers, Crit & Den Dikken, Marcel (eds.)Linguistics in the Netherlands 1996AmsterdamJohn Benjamins49 -60
  • Cornips, Leonie & Hulk, Aafke1996Ergative reflexives in Heerlen Dutch and FrenchStudia Linguistica501-21
  • Everaert, Martin1986The syntax of reflexivizationDordrecht/RivertonForis Publications
  • Everaert, Martin1990NP-movement 'across' secondary objectsMascaró, Joan & Nespor, Marina (eds.)Grammar in progressDordrechtForis Publications125-136
  • Fagan, Sarah1988The English middleLinguistic Inquiry19181-203
  • Fagan, Sarah1992The syntax and semantics of middle constructions. A study with special reference to GermanCambridgeCambridge University Press
  • Hoekstra, Teun & Roberts, Ian1993Middle constructions in Dutch and EnglishReuland, Eric & Abraham, Werner (eds.)Knowledge of language2: lexical and conceptual structureDordrechtKluwer Academic Publishers183-220
  • Hoekstra, Teun & Roberts, Ian1993Middle constructions in Dutch and EnglishReuland, Eric & Abraham, Werner (eds.)Knowledge of language2: lexical and conceptual structureDordrechtKluwer Academic Publishers183-220
  • Hulk, Aafke & Cornips, Leonie1996Réflexifs aspectuelsNash, Léa & Tsoulas, Georges (eds.)Proceedings of Langues et Grammaire 1185-200
  • Keyser, Samuel & Roeper, Thomas1984On the middle and ergative constructions in EnglishLinguistic Inquiry15381-416
  • Levin, Beth1993English verb classes and alternationsChicago/LondonUniversity of Chicago Press
  • Paardekooper, P.C1986Beknopte ABN-syntaksisEindhovenP.C. Paardekooper
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