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The negative R-pronoun nearne nowhere, nothing occurs, like all R-pronouns, to the left of the preposition which it is construed with. The complement Adposition Phrase (PP) containing the stranded preposition must occur to the right of the adjective, as in the example below:

Joast is nearne grutsk op
Joast is R.nowhere proud of
Joast is not proud of anything

Negative R-pronouns strand the preposition on the right-hand side of the adjective. Furthermore, the R-pronoun may not itself occur to the right of the adjective, in line with the generalisation that quantifiers must be placed to the left of the adjective:

a. *Joast is grutsk nearne op
Joast is proud R.nowhere of
Joast is not proud of anything
b. Joast is nearne grutsk op
Joast is R.nowhere proud of
Joast is not proud of anything
c. *Joast is grutsk oeral op
Joast is proud R.everywhere of
Joast is proud of everything
d. Joast is oeral grutsk op
Joast is R.everywhere proud of
Joast is proud of everything

Referential R-pronouns can occur to the right of the adjective, in line with the generalisation that referential elements can be placed to the right of the adjective. However, the R-pronoun dêr there preferably occurs after the finite verb in main clauses (or the subject in embedded clauses), i.e. to the left of the adjective:

a. ?Joast is grutsk dêr op
Joast is proud R of
Joast is proud R of
b. Joast is dêr grutsk op
Joast is R proud of
Joast is proud of that
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