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With numerals

Definite quantifiers can be combined with numerals, whereas indefinite quantifiers cannot. A minimal pair is given below:

a. Alle trije koekjes hie se him ûntfytmanne
all three cookies had she him diddled
She had diddled him out of all three cookies
b. *Ferskate trije koekjes hie se him ûntfytmanne
several three cookies had she him diddled
She had diddled him out of several cookies

The same contrast obtains in the English translations.


It is intuitively clear that the meaning of indefinite quantifiers is similar to that of numerals, so that they cannot co-occur. Nevertheless, although definite quantifiers can occur with numerals, they cannot co-occur with indefinite quantifiers:

*Alle ferskate koekjes hie se him ûntfytmanne
all several cookies had she him diddled
She had diddled him out of all cookies

Again intuitively, the difference between numerals and indefinite quantifiers is that numerals are fully specified with respect to their nominal referent whereas indefinite quantifiers are not. Generalised quantifier theory tries to make such intuitions precise with the aid of notions derived from set theory. The combination of alle all and a numeral may also occur in an adverbial position which is co-interpreted with the Noun Phrase (NP) which it is construed. This phenomenon is also referred to as quantifier float. Two examples are given below:

a. De koekjes hie se him alle trije ûntfytmanne
the cookies had she him all three diddled
The cookies, she had diddled him out of all three of them
b. Hja koene alle trije wer laitsje
they could all three again laugh
They could all three of them laugh again
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