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Position of the noun complement

Complements of a noun occur after the noun, as in the example below:

Die geloof in 'n Groter Doel
the belief in a greater goal
The belief in a Greater Goal

Complements of a noun cannot occur before the noun. The PP complement is indicated in brackets.:

a. Ons begrip [van reg en verkeerd] spruit uit ons geloof [in God].
our understanding [of right and wrong] stem out our belief [in God]
Our understanding of right and wrong stems from our faith in God.
b. *Die [van reg en verkeerd] begrip
the [of right and wrong] understanding
The understanding of right and wrong

An adposition phrase (PP) must always follow the noun, regardless of whether it is a complement or not. In both examples below the PP is introduced by the preposition van of. In the first, example the PP complement contains an agent (when the ambiguous sentence is interpreted that the Weigt-slaves are telling their story to a listener). In the second example, the PP adjunct contains a possessor.

a. Die verhaal [van die Weigt-slawe] is baie interessant.
the story [of the Weigt-slaves] be.PRS very interesting
The story of the Weigt slaves is very interesting
b. Die groot huis [van die Blanckenbergs], met sy welige tuin, is hoog teen die koppie geleë.
the big house [of the Blanckenbergs] with its lush garden be.PRS high against the hill lay.PST.PTCP
The large house of the Blanckenbergs, with its lush garden, is located high up on the hill.
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