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Interrogative pronouns of time, manner, reason and place

The following table presents interrogative pronouns of time, manner, reason, place, and amount:

Table 1
Time wanneer when
Manner hoe howhoedanig in what manner
Reason waarom whyhoekom why
Place waar where
Amount hoeveel how much


There are two interrogative pronouns of reason, hoekom why (1a-b) and waarom why (1c-d). There are no obvious differences between the two terms.

a. Hoekom is hierdie dag belangrik?
why be.PRS this day important
Why is this day important?
b. Hoekom bewe my hond?
why shiver my dog
Why is my dog shivering?
c. Waarom vra jy my naam?
why ask you.SG my name
Why do you ask my name?
d. Laat haar staan; waarom val julle haar lastig?
let her stand why fall you.PL her bother
Leave her alone; why are you bothering her?

The most frequently used interrogative of manner is hoe how (2a-b), although the longer form hoedanig in what manner (2c) is occasionally used as well.

a. Hoe doen 'n mens aansoek?
how do a human apply
How does one apply?
b. Vir hoe lank moet die medikasie geneem word?
for how long must.AUX.MOD the medication take.PASS become.AUX.PASS.PRS
For how long should the medication be taken?
c. En hoedanig sien julle dit nou?
and how see you.PL it now
And in which way do you see it now?

In terms of amount, there is the option to use hoe and the quantifier baie much / many / lots (3a), but a more frequently used option is the merged form hoeveel how much / many (3b).

a. Olivia, hoe baie hou jy van mode?
Olivia how much like you.SG of fashion
Olivia, how much do you like fashion?
b. Hoeveel is die subsidie werd?
how.much be.PRS the subsidy worth
How much is the subsidy worth?

The interrogative of time is wanneer when (4).

a. Wanneer kan ek my rekening verwag?
when can.AUX.MOD I my bill expect
When can I expect my bill?
b. En wanneer is die boek nou weer geskryf?
and when be.AUX.PASS.PST the book now again write.PASS
And when was the book written again?

The word waar where is used as an interrogative of place (5), and it can be used in a more abstract sense of place (5b and 6b) not only in a concrete sense (5a).

a. Goed, en waar is u voertuig toe?
good and where be.PRS your.HON vehicle then
Okay, and where was your vehicle then?
b. Waar begin 'n mens dan?
where begin a human then
Where does one start, then?

These interrogatives can also be premodified (6a-b) and postmodified (6c-d), similar to the other interrogative pronouns.

a. Maar presies wanneer verander misbruik in verslawing?
but exactly when change misuse in addiction
But exactly when does misuse turn into addiction?
b. Presies waar lê die onderskeid tussen feit en fiksie?
exactly where lie the distinction between fact and fiction
Exactly where is the distinction between fact and fiction?
c. Wanneer presies was dit?
when exactly be.PRT it
When exactly was this?
d. Waar presies het ons dit verloor?
where exactly have.AUX we it lose.PST
Where exactly did we lose it?
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