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Direct object interpretation

The Noun Phrase (NP) which is found in the structural subject position of the copula is interpreted as the direct object of the infinitive:

Hy is net te fertrouwen
he.3SG is.3SG not to trust
He cannot be trusted

The NP which is interpreted as the direct object occurs in the structural subject position, as is clear from its agreement with the tensed verb:

a. Hy is net te fertrouwen
he.3SG is.3SG not to trust
He cannot be trusted
b. Hja binne net te fertrouwen
they.3PL is.3PL not to trust
They cannot be trusted

The subject of the infinitival verb can be controlled by a for-phrase, as in the following example:

Dat is foar har net te begripen
that is for them not to understand
That is not understandable for them

Such examples sound best in case the subject of the copula is inanimate:

?Hy is foar har net te begripen
he is for them not to understand
He is not understandable for them

Other verbs are less compatible with a for-Adposition Phrase (PP) controlling the subject of the embedded verb:

a. ?*Hy is foar har net te fertrouwen
he is for them not to trust
He is not to be trusted for them
b. ?*Dy saak is foar har net te fertrouwen
that matter is for them not to trust
That matter is not to be trusted for them

It is not clear why begripe understand and fertrouwe trust should behave differently in this respect. Note that begripe understand, in this construction, presupposes that the subject has the wish to understand the object, no matter what the object is, whereas the verb fertrouwe trust does not presuppose a comparable wish on the part of the subject to trust the object, no matter what. Note incidentally that the following is grammatical:

Hy is neffens har net te fertrouwen
he is according.to them not to trust
According to them, he is not to be trusted

A by-phrase does not occur in this construction:

a. ?*Omdat it ferhaal net troch Jouke te begripen is
because the story not by Jouke to understand is
Because the story cannot be understood by Jouke
b. *Omdat er sels troch syn eigen minsken net te fertrouwen is
because he by his own people not to trust is
Because he is not to be trusted even by his own people
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