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–(e)lings creates adverbs from nouns, verbs and adjectives. Examples of adverbs ending in -(e)lings /(ə)lιŋs/ are blind-elings blindly and rak-elings closely.

Men kan concluderen dat de redacties van latere woordenboeken blind-elings op het gezag van het WNT hebben vertrouwd.
One may conclude that the editors of later dictionaries blind-ly on the authority of the WNT have trusted.
One may conclude that the editors of later dictionaries blind-ly trusted the authority of the WNT.
De brokstukken van het vliegtuig kwamen rak-elings langs een grote supermarket.
The debris of the plane came hit-suff alongside a big supermarket
The debris of the plane grazed a big supermarket

The suffix occurs with nominal, adjectival, and verbal bases:

Table 1
Noun Adverb
beurt turn beurtelings alternately
rug back ruggelings backwards
zijde side zijdelings sideways, indirectly
Table 2
Adjective Adverb
blind blind blindelings blindly
kort short kortelings shortly, soon
Table 3
Verb Adverb
raak hit rakelings closely
-elingsis not productive in Present-Day Dutch. It belongs to the native stratum of Dutch, and is only found in combination with native bases. It does not feed further word formation. The part -(e)lings of this suffix behaves as a phonological word of its own, and thus receives secondary stress, whereas the main stress on the base word is preserved.


For more information, see Diepeveen, Ariane  2012. Modifying words. Dutch adverbial morphology in contrast. Diss. FU Berlin, chapter 8. http://www.diss.fu-berlin.de/diss/receive/FUDISS_thesis_000000038716

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