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Time adverbs provide information about the temporal dimension of the verb.


Time adverbs, as Verb Phrase (VP)-adverbs, provide information about the temporal dimension of the verb. An example is provided below, in which the clausal time adverb hjoed today is followed by the VP time adverb betiid early.

De pasjint komt hjoed betiid fan 't bêd
the patient comes today early from the bed
The patient rises from the bed early today

VP-adverb test:

De pasjint komt hjoed fan 't bêd en se docht dat betiid
the patient comes today from the bed and she does that early
The patient rises from the bed today and she does so early

Clausal adverb test:

*It is betiid sa dat de pasjint hjoed fan 't bêd komt
it is early so that the patient today from the bed comes
Lit: It is early so that the patient rises from the bed today
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