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Epistemic raising verbs

Some epistemic raising verbs selecting a to-infinitive appear in a clause union structure. They require verb clustering with the selected verb, so that they do not display the third construction.


Some epistemic raising verbs such as lykje appear or skine seem selecting a to-infinitive appear in a clause-union structure, as shown below:

Omdat er har mei har wurk liket te helpen
because he her with her work dared to help
Because he seems to help her with her work

Arguments of the infinitival verb cannot appear to the right of the selecting verb, intervening between the selecting verb and the to-infinitive, as shown below:

*Omdat er har liket mei har wurk te helpen
because he her appears with her work to help
Because only then did he dare to help her with her work

clause-union and verb clustering seems to be obligatory with this type of verb. clause-union is incompatible with the nonfinite complementiser om for:

*Omdat er like om har mei har wurk te helpen
because he appeared for her with her work to help
Because only then did he dare to help her with her work

The verbs resist the use of the perfect tense, which might indicate that the construction has been borrowed from Dutch:

a. *Omdat er har mei har wurk like hie te helpen
because he her with her work appeared had to help
Because he had seemed to help her with her work
b. *Omdat er siik skynd hie te wêzen
because he ill seemed had to be
Because he had seemed to be ill
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