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Post-adjectival adjectival phrases with genoeg enough and circumadjectival sequences

Modifiers normally precede the adjective to which they apply. However, in certain constructions, modifiers follow, or surround, the relevant adjective. Such modifiers can be categorised as postadjectival and circumadjectival sequences, as discussed below:

The postadjectival modifier

As is clear from the term, this modifier must occur after the adjective, as in this example:

klere wat lank genoeg is
clothes that.REL long enough be.PRS
clothes which are long enough

Circumadjectival modifiers

The construction so ... moontlike as ... as possible

This phrase functions as a circumadjectival modifier, in which the adjective is embedded within the elements so as and moontlike possible, as in the example below:

so 'n groot moontlike orkes
such a big possible.ATTR orchestra
an orchestra as big as possible

In addition to this construction, equatives and comparatives (including superlatives) also form part of the category of circumadjectival modifiers.

Equatives normally contain the sequence so ... soos as ... as, for example:

dit is so goed soos nuut
it be.PRS as good as new
it is as good as new

Comparatives are characterised by the morphological or periphrastic comparative of the adjective, followed by as than, as in these examples:

skoolhou is interessanter as kantoorwerk
school.keeping be.PRS interesting.CMPR than office.work
teaching is more interesting than office work
die mitologie is meer verstaanbaar as die werklikheid
the mythology be.PRS more understandable than the reality
mythology is more comprehensible than reality

    The postadjectival modifier genoeg enough indicates sufficient degree (see Sufficient degree), and is used as follows:

    Die aanbod klink aanloklik genoeg.
    the offer sound attractive enough
    The offer sounds attractive enough.

    As in the case of simplex adjectives, this construction may also be used adverbially:

    Vreemd genoeg het hy vroeg opgedaag.
    strangely enough have.AUX he early arrived
    Strangely enough, he arrived early.
    Hy het dit, vreemd genoeg, maklik reggekry.
    he have.AUX it strangely enough easily managed
    Strangely enough, he managed it easily.

    The circumadjectival modifier so ... moontlik as ... as possible consists of two heads, in contrast with genoeg enough, which is merely postadjectival. In both instances, the adjectival construction is used adverbially in most cases, although attributive (or predicative) use may occur, as in example (2):

    Kom so gou moontlik!
    come as soon possible
    Come as soon as possible!

    It stands to reason that synonymous sequences could be employed in this category:

    waar 'n kurator so spoedig doenlik aangestel moet word
    where a curator as speedily feasible appoint.PASS must be.AUX.PASS.PRS
    where a curator has to be appointed as speedily as practicable

    Adjectives used in equative and comparative (inclusive of superlative) constructions may also take the form of circumadjectival sequences as part of a prepositional phrase. An example:

    in die sterks moontlike taal
    in the strong·SUPL possible language
    in the strongest possible language

    Although the construction cannot be used prenominally, it may be used as an adpositional phrase, as shown below:

    iemand so vriendelik soos Chris
    someone as friendly as Chris
    iemand vriendeliker as hy
    someone friendly·CMPR than him
    someone friendlier than him
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