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Quantifiers are used to delimit a noun in a NP in terms of an indefinite amount or number (Van Rooy 2017:264). Some quantifiers indicate a whole group or collection, such as alle all (1a), others indicate a large or small amount or number, such as baie much/many (1b), and there are also negative quantifiers, such as nie veel … nie not much/many (1c). Quantifiers take the position before adjectives (if there are any) in the NP, and occasionally articles would precede them (see 3a-3d, 6b, and 6h below).

a. Om 14:00 moet alle leerders op die pawiljoen sit.
at 14:00 must.AUX.MOD all learners on the pavilion sit
At 14:00 all learners should be seated on the pavilion.
b. Nou skenk baie mense aandag.
now give many people attention
Now many people pay attention.
c. Hy het nie veel tyd oor nie.
he have.PRS not much time over PTCL.NEG
He does not have a lot of time left.
VivA-KPO, adapted
[+]Absolute quantifiers

Absolute quantifiers are those that indicate "all" or "nothing" – either the whole of a group, collection, item and such, or none of it. The quantifier alle all are used for count and mass nouns, and elke each only for count nouns. Example (2a) illustrates the use of both of these. The noun in a NP with a quantifier can still be modified with an adjective as well, as can be seen in (2b). The quantifier alle is used in a number of fixed expressions, as shown in (2c-2g).

a. Alle laerskoolleerlinge moet elke skooldag by die skool wees...
all primary.school.learners must.AUX.MOD each school.day at the school be.INF
All primary school learners should be at school every shool day...
b. ...van oormôre af elke tweede aand...
from over.tomorrow of every second evening
...from the day after tomorrow every second evening...
c. in alle eerlikheid
in all honesty
in all honesty
d. in alle erns
in all seriousness
in earnest
e. met alle mag
with all power
by hook or by crook
f. ten alle tye
at.the all times
at all times
g. ten alle koste
at.the all cost
at all cost

Different from in Dutch, the term heel whole is only used attributively (hele) as a quantifier, following an article and preceding the adjective and noun. When the referent is known or definite, the definite article is used (3a-3b), and when it is indefinite, the indefinite article is used (3c-3d). There are some compounds without the attributive morpheme, such as heeldag whole+day, used on its own as an adverb (3e) or with a definite article (3f).

a. 'n Paar eenvoudige bestanddele kan steeds 'n perfekte ontbyt wees – sommer vir die hele gesin.
a couple simple ingredients can still a perfect breakfast be.INF just for the whole family
A few simple ingredients can still be a perfect breakfast – even for the whole family.
VivA-KPO, adapted
b. 'n Paar tekens word gegee en toe kom die hele Arabiese leër in beweging.
a couple signs be.AUX.PASS.PRS give.PASS and then come the whole Arabic army in movement
A few sings are given and the whole Arabic army comes to life.
c. 'n Traan omdat 'n hele samelewing blind is vir hulle unieke skoonheid...
a tear because a whole society blind be.PRS for their unique beauty
A tear, because a whole society is blind for their unique beauty.
d. Of die Mosambiekse trauma van Angelina sou ook alternatiewelik 'n hele aparte roman kon maak, saam met haar latere lewe.
or the Mozambique trauma of Angelina want.to.AUX.MOD.PRT also alternatively a whole separate novel can.AUX.MOD.PRT make together with her later life
Or the Mozambique trauma of Angelina could also, alternatively, make a whole separate novel, with her later life.
e. Nou wat doen jy heeldag langs die rivier?
now that.REL do you.SG whole.day beside the river
Now what are you doing at the river the whole day?
f. Ons kan die heeldag hier bly.
we can.AUX.MOD the whole.day here stay
We can stay here the whole day.

To express "none" or negative absolute quantification, the indefinite pronoun niks nothing is used, apart from the negative article geen no (see The negative article). As a quantifier, niks can be used with count nouns (4a) and others (4b-4d), and is accompanied by a clause final negative particle nie. In (4c), niks is used in combination with the indefinite quantifier min little/few to indicate min of niks little or no.

a. Ek het bio oil gebruik en het niks rekmerke gekry nie!
I have.AUX bio oil use.PST and have.AUX nothing stretchmarks get.PST PTCL.NEG
I used bio oil and did not get any stretchmarks!
b. Om die rol van Venus te vertolk, het jy nie eintlik klere nodig nie – om die waarheid te sê, jy't niks klere nodig nie!
for.COMP the role of Venus PTCL.INF play.INF have.PRS you.SG not really clothes need PTCL.NEG for.COMP the truth PTCL.INF say.INF you.SG.have nothing clothes need PTCL.NEG
To play the role of Venus, you do not need a lot of clothes – in fact, you don't need any clothes!
VivA-KPO, adapted
c. Ons vra doelbewus nie hekgelde nie, sodat diegene wat min of niks geld het nie, darem ook die vertonings kan kom geniet.
we ask deliberately not gate.fees PTCL.NEG so.that those that.REL little or nothing money have PTCL.NEG at.least also the shows can come enjoy
We deliberately do not charge entry fees so that people with little or no money can at least also come and enjoy the performances.
d. Robert du Preez het niks ondervinding nie.
Robert du Preez have nothing experience PTCL.NEG
Robert du Preez has no experience.
[+]Indefinite quantifiers

There is a number of indefinite quantifiers in Afrikaans, and these are used to signify different nuances in meaning. A widely used pair is baie much/many (5a) and min little/few (5b), both of which can be used for count nouns (example 1b) and others (as in 5). The negative counterpart is nie veel not much/many (5c), accompanied by a clause final negative particle. While veel is typically only used in negative constructions, baie can be used both positively (5a) and negatively (5d). Occasionally, the quantifier menige many is used similarly to baie, but with a singular noun form (5e). The quantifier heelwat a lot is also used with both count and other nouns (5f).

a. Nou lê nog baie werk voor.
now lie still much work ahead
Now a lot of work still lies ahead.
VivA-KPO, adapted
b. 'n Terrarium het dus min aandag nodig.
a terrarium have.PRS then little attention need
A terrarium needs little attention.
c. Ongelukkig het hierdie spesifieke boot ronde kante gehad en nie veel plek vir vashou nie.
unfortunately have.AUX this specific boat round sides have.PST and not much place for holding PTCL.NEG
Unfortunately this specific boat had round sides and not much room to hold onto.
d. Om 'n boog in te skiet vat nie baie tyd nie.
for.COMP a bow in PTCL.INF shoot.INF take not much time PTCL.NEG
To shoot in a bow does not take much time.
e. En Wynie het menige wedstryd, as reserwe, van die kantlyn af dopgehou.
and Wynie have.AUX many match as reserve from the sideline off watch.PST
And Wynie watched many matches from the sideline, as reserve.
VivA-KPO, adapted
f. Ek het heelwat ondervinding opgebou.
I have.AUX lots experience up.build.PST
I gained a lot of experience.
VivA-KPO, adapted

Many indefinite quantifiers are almost exclusively used with count nouns, such as those in (6). As the other quantifiers, they precede adjectives (as in 6a, 6d, 6e, and 6h) if these are present and then nouns, and some of these are used with an article, such as klomp lots (6b) and paar couple (6h).

a. Nou kan verskeie hoogs ontwikkelde lande nie hierdie skuld betaal nie.
now can.AUX.MOD various highly developed countries not this debt pay PTCL.NEG
Now various highly developed countries cannot pay this debt.
VivA-KPO, adapted
b. Of dink jy dit was sommer 'n klomp liegstories wat jy op skool geleer is.
or think you.SG it be.PRT just a lot lie.stories that you.SG on school learn.PASS be.AUX.PASS.PST
Or do you think it is just a bunch of lies that you learned in school.
c. 'n Trust kan in sommige gevalle baie nuttig wees.
a trust can.AUX.MOD in some cases very useful be.INF
A trust can be very useful in some cases.
d. Nuwe modifiserings kombineer verskillende insekweerstandige en onkruiddoderverdraagsame kenmerke om aan die produsent meer opsies in gewasbestuur te bied.
new modifications combine different insect.resistent and weed.killer.tolerant characteristics for.COMP to the producer more options in crop.management PTCL.INF offer.INF
New modifications combine different insect resistent and pesticide tolerant characteristics to offer producers more options in crop management.
VivA-KPO, adapted
e. Nou nog enkele gedenkwaardige dinge.
now still single memorable things
Now a few memorable things.
VivA-KPO, adapted
f. Party oggende het Ego sy ore hoor suis.
some mornings have.AUX Ego his ears hear whistle
Some mornings Ego heard his ears whistle.
g. Nou wonder ek of daar enige verskaffers is wat goodies verkoop vir ouens soos ek?
now wonder I if there any supplier be.PRS that.REL goodies sell to guys like I
Now I wonder of there are any suppliers that sell goodies to guys like me?
h. Nou 'n paar makliker games.
now a couple easier games
Now a few easier games.
VivA-KPO, adapted
  • Van Rooy, B2017Kontemporêre Afrikaanse taalkunde [Contemporary Afrikaans linguistics]Carstens, W.A.M. & Bosman, N. (ed.)Afrikaanse sintaksis, funksioneel benader [Afrikaans syntax, functionally approached]Van Schaik Uitgewers251-297
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