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An example of a wh-cleft is given below:

Wat ik seach, wie in hazze
what I saw was a hare
What I saw was a hare

The pseudo-cleft construction contains the following constituents from left to right:

  • A free relative clause
  • The verb wêze be
  • An XP, usually a Noun Phrase (NP)
In case a pseudo-cleft construction is chosen containing a relative clause of reason, both options are grammatical, that is, the relative clause of reason can either be introduced by wêrom't why or by the neutral complementiser dat that.

a. ?Wêrom't Bouke net kaam wie omdat er siik wie
why Bouke not came was because he ill was
Why Bouke did not come was because he was ill
b. Dat Bouke net kaam wie omdat er siik wie
that Bouke not came was because he ill was
That Bouke did not come was because he was ill

The first example above may be restricted to spoken language, unlike the second one. Free relative clefts that are not introduced by the neutral complementiser dat that may show a preference for resumption with the topic pronoun dat that:

Wêrom't Bouke net kaam dat wie omdat er siik wie
why Bouke not came that was because he ill was
Why Bouke did not come was because he was ill

Indirect objects are marginal in a wh-cleft:

?Wa't se it jild ûntkrigen wie in rike skevel út Den Haach
who they the money took.from was a rich guy from The Hague
Who they took the money from was a rich guy from The Hague

Prepositional complements are grammatical, provided of course that the relative pronoun is a R-pronoun:

Wêr't ik op hope wie dat er betelje soe
REL.R I for hoped was that he pay would
What I hoped for was that he would pay
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