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The adverbial pronoun sels self

Sels self can be used as an adverbial pronoun that provides emphasis to a Noun Phrase (NP), as in the example below:

Jildou hat no sels in relaasje mei in Australiër
Jildou has now herself a relation with an Australian
Jildou is now in a relationship with an Australian herself

The adverbial pronoun is homophonous with the suffix that is used to turn pronouns into non inherent reflexives.


The adverbial pronoun sels self can be placed following the NP which it is construed with:

a. Ik ha de man sels sjoen
I have the man self seen
I saw the man himself
b. Ik ha mei de man sels praat
I have with the man self spoken
I've spoken with the man himself

The adverbial pronoun does not bear any visible person or number features, as its English counterpart does. It may also be discontinuous from a direct object NP with which it is construed:

a. Wy ha de direkteur juster sels sjoen
we have the director yesterday self seen
We have seen the director himself
b. De direkteur waard juster sels sjoen
the director was yesterday himself seen
The director himself was seen yesterday

It may also be discontinuous from a subject NP with which it is construed:

Wy ha de direkteur juster sels sjoen
we have the director yesterday self seen
We have seen the director ourselves

It cannot be discontinuous from an indirect object:

*De wurknimmers is juster it minne nijs sels ferteld
the employees is yesterday the bad news self told
The employees themselves were told the bad news yesterday

This modifier emphasizes the argument with which it is construed.

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