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As a complement specifying activity to control verbs

Incorporating to-infinitivals are also found as complements to control verbs such as begjinne begin, which imply the onset or a similar aspect of a process. The incorporating to-infinitival specifies that the process abstractly referred to by the control verb is an activity. Two examples are given below:

a. Omdat se begjint te fotoynplakken
because she begins to photo.in.glue
Because she begins to stick photographs in the album
b. At er ophâldt te oprêden
when he stops to up.clean
When he stops cleaning up

These control verbs subcategorise for an Adposition Phrase (PP) built on the preposition mei with, as shown below:

a. Omdat se mei har wurk begjint
because she with her work begins
Because she begins with her work
b. Omdat se dermei begjint
because she R.with begins
Because she begins with it

These PPs may be used as pronominal cataphors accompanying a non-incorporating infinitival clause:

a. Omdat se dermei begjint om de fotos yn te plakken
because she R.with begins for the photographs in to glue
Because she begins sticking in the photographs
b. Omdat er dermei opholden is it hûs op te rêden
because he R.with stopped is the house up to clean
Because he has stopped cleaning up the house

These pronominal cataphors are optional in the presence of a non-incorporating infinitival clause:

a. Omdat se begjint om de fotos yn te plakken
because she begins for the photographs in to glue
Because she begins sticking in the photographs
b. Omdat er opholden is it hûs op te rêden
because he stopped is the house up to clean
Because he has stopped cleaning up the house

If the infinitival clause is an incorporating clause, the cataphoric PP pronoun is not optional, but it must remain absent:

a. *Omdat se dermei begjint te fotoynplakken
because she R.with begins to photographs.in.glue
Because she begins sticking in the photographs
b. Omdat se begjint te fotoynplakken
because she begins to photographs.in.glue
Because she begins sticking in the photographs
c. *Omdat er dermei opholden is te hûsoprêden
because he R.with stopped is to house.up.clean
Because he has stopped cleaning up the house
d. Omdat er opholden is te hûsoprêden
because he stopped is to house.up.clean
Because he has stopped cleaning up the house

Control verbs which do not subcategorize for a cataphoric PP also allow incorporated to-infinitivals:

Omdat er besocht te hûsoprêden
because he tried to house.up.clean
Because he tried to clean up the house

Raising verbs do not allow of incorporated to-infinitivals:

a. *Omdat er skynt te hûsoprêden
because he seems to house.up.clean
Because he seems to clean up the house
b. Omdat er it hûs skynt op te rêden
because he the house seems up to clean
Because he seems to clean up the house
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