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4 Comparison by comparative, superlative and equative

Adjective phrases are characteristically used for comparison. Three types of comparison can be distinguished, namely comparative, superlative and equative. Below an example is given of each of these three forms:


Mien Bloumen wieren fuul flugger as do fon Pestoors Möie.
my flowers were much nicer than those of pastor’s aunt
My flowers were much nicer than those of Pastor’s aunt.

Here the comparative form of the adjective is used predicatively. Pestoor ‘pastor’ is the name of a professional that is also used as a proper name in Sater Frisian. The correlative is a special type of construction in which two comparatives are claimed to correlate with each other. The comparative specifies relative degree, whereas the superlative is absolute in specifying the highest degree.


Die jungste Wäänt glikt sin Foar.
the youngest son resembles his father
The youngest son resembles his father.

Here the superlative is used attributively.


Jo sunt alle bee glieke stäärk as iek.
they are all both as strong as I
Both of them are as strong as me.

The equative construction employs the positive form of the adjective. The suparative form of the adjective is characteristically marked with the suffix –st.

An et loangste Eende luke.
to the longest end pull
Have the advantage.

Thus adjectives participate in a semantic paradigm of positive (also used for equative), comparative and superlative.


More details about the comparison by comparative, superlative and equative degree can be found by following the links to the corresponding topics:

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