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Show all Alternate plural suffixes

Feminine nouns ending in -e (schwa) normally show plurals ending in -en, e.g. ju Seke, do Seken ‘the issue(s)’. Sometimes, plurals ending in -e are used, e.g. do Seke or: two poor wullene Hoze ‘two pairs of woolen stockings’. (See also: [1.1.2] nr. 2: productive plurals, type Ate.)

Some nouns have two paradigms. For example: ju Lättere, do Lättern and ju Lätter, do Lättere‘the letter(s)’, see also: [1.1.1] choice between plural suffixes. (Read more.)

ju Lättere, do Lättern and ju Lätter, do Lättere ‘the letter(s); ’ju Näddel, do Näddele and ju Näddele, do Näddeln ‘needle’; die Steel, do Stele and die Stele, do Stelen ‘handle, stick’

Different plural forms may imply different meanings. The plural form Klodere ‘clothes’ is the plural form of (dät) Klood ‘piece of clothing’. Another word (dät) Klood, meaning ‘dress’ shows a plural form Klode.


Analogy most certainly plays a role here. Feminine nouns have a tendency to end in -e (schwa), for example.

(There is also independent evidence of the relevance of analogy for Saterland Frisian noun shapes. Nouns ending in -en are often shortened because they sound like plurals, e.g. die Hopen and die Hoop ‘heap’ or dät Dutsen(d) and dät Duts ‘dozen’.)

Apart from analogy, morphophonological preferences probably affect the shape of nouns. For example: sequences of light syllables containing schwas are often avoided.

Some irregular plurals have regular counterparts, e.g. die Kok, do Koke or: do Kokke ‘cook(s)’. (See also [1.1.3] plural nouns with ablaut.)

dät Gelach, do Geloage (‘banquet(s)’, also: do Gelagge), dät Gebäd, die Gebede (‘prayer(s)’, also: do Gebädde), dät Spil, do Spiele (‘game(s)’, also: do Spille), die Kok, do Koke (‘cook(s)’, also: do Kokke), die God, do Gode (‘god(s)’, also: die Goad, do Goade)
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