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  • Frisian
  • Saterfrisian
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Passivization has always been in the center of attention of linguistic research and it is impossible to do full justice to the available literature. We therefore simply select a number of important papers. A very brief review of the treatment of passivization in generative grammar can be found in Roberts (1999): whereas passivization was originally accounted for by means of a construction-specific transformation that derived passive clauses from active clauses, it was shown at later stages that passivization involves the interaction of a set of independently motivated operations that also apply in other constructions. This has led to the standard analysis (initiated by Jaeggli 1986 and Baker et al. 1989) that the core property of passivization is the demotion of the subject and concomitant absorption of accusative case; the other properties, like the promotion of the object of the active sentence to subject of the passive sentence, follow from more general principles like the Case Filter. Besides Haeseryn et al. (1997), Den Besten (1981/1985) is a rich source for the relevant passivization data. The krijgen-passive is less frequently discussed; the discussion in this section is based on the discussion in Broekhuis & Cornips (1994/ 2012). More relevant discussion can be found in Colleman (2006), Van Leeuwen (2006), and Landsbergen (2009).

  • Baker, Mark, Johnson, Kyle & Roberts, Ian1989Passive arguments raisedLinguistic Inquiry20219-251
  • Besten, Hans den1981A case filter for passivesBelletti, Adriana, Brandi, Luciana & Rizzi, Luigi (eds.)Theory of markedness in generative grammar. Proceeding of the 1979 GLOW ConferencePisa65-122
  • Besten, Hans den1985The ergative hypothesis and free word order in Dutch and GermanToman, Jindřich (ed.)Studies in German GrammarDordrecht/CinnaminsonForis Publications23-65
  • Broekhuis, Hans & Cornips, Leonie1994Undative constructionsLinguistics32173-190
  • Broekhuis, Hans & Cornips, Leonie2012The verb <i>krijgen</i> `to get' as an undative verbLinguistics501205-1249
  • Colleman, Timothy2006De Nederlandse datiefalternantie. Een constructioneel en corpusgebaseerd onderzoekGhentGhent UniversityThesis
  • Haeseryn, Walter, Romijn, Kirsten, Geerts, Guido, Rooij, Jaap de & Toorn, Maarten C. van den1997Algemene Nederlandse spraakkunstGroningenNijhoff
  • Jaegli, Osvaldo1986PassiveLinguistic Inquiry17587-622
  • Landsbergen, Frank2009Cultural evolutionary modeling of patterns in language change. Exercises in evolutionary linguisticsUniversity of LeidenThesis
  • Leeuwen, Maarten van2006<i>Een baan aangeboden krijgen? Dat krijg je nooit gedaan!</i> Een synchroon en diachroon onderzoek naar de gebruiksmogelijkheden van <i>krijgen</i> + participium in het kader van de constructiegrammatica
  • Roberts, Ian1999Passive and related constructionsBrown, Keith & Miller, Jim (eds.)Concise encyclopedia of grammatical categoriesAmsterdamElsevier264-290
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