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Noun as base

There are several suffixes that derive nouns from nominal bases. We therefore do not encounter a change in lexical category, but primarily see some modification of the semantics of the base. The most productive instance is the diminutive suffix -DIM, which, possibly as a side effect of its productivity, consists of several allomorphs. Its main semantic effect is to denote a smaller instance of the concept described by the base.

One of the possible functions of adding a suffix to a nominal base is to create the name of a living creature that has some sort of relationship with the base noun, which is usually inanimate. An example is tûfert bird with a crest, from tûfe crest. The suffix -ert therefore creates an animal name. In theory this is rare, as also the suffix -ert is unproductive. Only the diminutive suffix (see the section on semantics and use) may have the same function, be it that it is restricted to forming the names of female animals, especially birds.

The homo sapiens is a much more important species in word formation. We therefore see that one major function of suffixation of a nominal base is to create personal names. Again, they refer to someone that has something to do with the noun mentioned in the base. Quite a number of suffixes are involved in this function, although most of them are unproductive. Native examples of this category are -er, -ner, -ier and -enier, although it could be argued that allomorphy may also play its part in this set. The suffix -ling is quite rare. Worth mentioning in the non-native part of the lexicon are -aan, -ast, -ein and -ist.

Suffixation can also create female nouns. This occurs primarily on the basis of nouns referring to males, or human beings in general, that have a certain function or identity. The female nouns often show ambiguity. For example, from boer farmer one can form boerinne. This can be a woman who does the job of a farmer. However, it can also refer to a woman married to a farmer (and is not or only marginally involved in farmwork). Next to -inne, also the suffixes -e, -esse and -ske derive female nouns, although the last one is virtually obsolete by now.

Furthermore, a major function of suffixation of a nominal base is to create collective nouns. These derivations then refer to a set or group. For example, whereas the singular fûgel bird refers to one bird, and the plural fûgels bird-PL to two or more birds, the derivation fûgelt bird-COL denotes a specific set or group of birds. There are quite a number of suffixes that derive collectives. Some of them are clearly unproductive, like -emint, -eraasje, -erij and its allomorph -ij, -t and its allomorph -te, and also -tme. Much more common are -guod and -spul. Both are suffixoids, as are -boel, -brol and -brot. In addition, this triple mostly evokes a pejorative connotation, whereas the suffixoid -wurk has a rather comical effect. Finally, the rare suffix -ing may also have a collectivizing effect, although this cannot be deduced quite clearly from the scarce data.

Two suffixes denote the rather abstract idea of organization or function. This applies especially to -skip, but also to the rare -ernij. The suffix -skip may also refer to a territory, as may -dom, and possibly also idiosyncretic -te. The suffix -dij may refer to a building.

Finally, suffixation of a nominal base has a quantifying function in two cases. The suffix -fol refers to contents, where -mannich is used in counting and rather means 'a couple of'. Both -fol and -mannich are suffixoids.


More details about the suffixes can be found by following the corresponding links, which are presented in alphabetical order:

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