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The suffix -es for deriving nouns from adjectives is quite rare. The derivations describe persons in a negative way. An example is sleau slow, inattentive > sleaukes wimp, in which an additional /k/ is inserted. Most of the time, derivations in -es are opaque.

[+]General properties

The suffix -es, pronounced as /əs/, can derive nouns from adjectives. The derivations are terms of abuse. There are only two derivations in which a clear base can be recognized. These are: sleau slow, inattentive > sleaukes wimp (where a [k] has been inserted, reminiscent of what we see with the suffix -ert) and the now obsolete form stult proud > stultes grumpy person.

Furthermore, although more frequent in use, there are a few words in which the base form cannot be understood synchronically anymore: sokses dope, mokses dope, pamp(s)es fatty, loebes bastard and kwibus joker. The status of their ending -es is hence unclear. The word nepes miser has a variant with the suffix -ert in nepert, again, however, with an unclear synchronic base.

Finally, there is one noun that can be input for -es: ding thing > dinges indication of a person of whom one does not know or want to say the name at that moment. Semantically comparable are hummes, himkes and mukkes, in which the base form is again unclear (although in hummes and himkes, the personal pronoun him him could be involved).

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