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Universal NP

PPs directly containing universal Noun Phrases (NPs), like those directly containing negative NPs, are preferably placed to the left of the adjective.


PPs directly containing universal NPs, like those directly containing negative NPs, are preferably placed to the left of the adjective. This is shown in the examples below:

a. ?Omdat er grutsk op hast elkenien wie
because he proud of almost everybody was
Because he was proud of almost everybody
b. Omdat er op hast elkenien grutsk wie
because he of almost everybody proud was
Because he was proud of almost everybody
c. ?Omdat er tefreden mei hast elkenien wie
because he content with almost everybody was
Because he was content with almost everybody
d. Omdat er mei hast elkenien tefreden wie
because he with almost everybody content was
Because he was content with almost everybody
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