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The non-Germanic suffix -int derives nouns with a common gender from non-Germanic verbs in -earje. The suffix -ear is truncated. The derivations are agent nouns. An example is studearje to study > studint student. The stress is always on the suffix.

[+]General properties

The non-Germanic suffix -int forms nouns with common gender out of non-Germanic verbs in -earje. Examples are:

Table 1
Base form Derivation
studearje to study studint student
assistearje to assist assistint assistant
dosearje to teach dosint teacher
korrespondearje to correspond korrespondint correspondent
presidearje to preside presidint president

These derivations are all agent nouns that have common gender. They refer to male persons. In case a female person is referred to, like studint student, assistint assistant, etc., an extra suffix -e has been added: studinte female student, assistinte female assistant.

Although most of the time one can connect a derivation in -int to a verb, there are exceptions in which the base form does not exist in Frisian. An example is the noun dissidint dissident, which lacks a verbal base (*dissidearje).

Comparable suffixes are -ant and -eur.

[+]Phonological properties

The suffix carries stress: assisTEARje [ɔsistjɛrjə] to assist > assisTINT [ɔsistɪnt] assistant. As can be seen, the augment -ear has been truncated during the suffixation process.


This topic is based on Hoekstra (1998:102).

  • Hoekstra, Jarich1998Fryske wurdfoarmingLjouwertFryske Akademy
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