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The end point of an interval: oant until

The preposition oant until, to may take a Adposition Phrase (PP) as its complement. In such cases, the preposition denotes the end point of an interval. Such an interval usually refers to time or space.


In the following example, the interval to which the preposition oant refers is temporal. The prepositional complement nei de middeipreek is built on the preposition nei after:

Hja bleauwen oant nei de middeipreek oer
they stayed until after the noon.sermon about
They stayed on until after the noon sermon

If the prepositional complement contains a locative preposition, then oant until denotes the end point of a locative interval, that is, a path. Some examples are given below:

a. Fan Dokkum oant foarby Rome
from Dokkum until past Rome
From Dokkum until past Rome
b. Syn preken hiene har efterfolge oant efter de kleastermuorren
his sermons had her pursued until behind the convent's walls
His sermons had pursued her until behind the walls of the convent

Oant until may combine with the postpositions (oan) ta, as in the following example:

De Fisigoaten hiene oant de earste helte fan de 4e ieu oan ta neat yn te bringen
the Visigoths had until the first half of the fourth century POST POST nothing in to bring
The Visigoths had no say until the first half of the fourth century
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