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Attributive construction

The combination of adjective and modifier cannot occur in attributive position, although the examples improve in case the adjective does not need to be marked with overt agreement.


The combination of adjective and modifier cannot occur in attributive position, since the postadjectival degree word makes it impossible for the adjective to be adjacent to the noun. Furthermore, the degree word itself may not carry the agreement either:

a. *In krigele genôch boer
a energetic enough farmer
An energetic enough farmer
b. *In krigel(e) genôge boer
a energetic enough farmer
An energetic enough farmer

However, when there is no overt agreement, that is, in the neuter singular indefinite, the combination of adjective and modifier is marginally acceptable in attributive position. This is shown in the example below:

?In krigel genôch famke
an energetic enough girl
An energetic enough girl

The modifier may occur attributively in case there is no adjective, as in the following example. In that case, it must precede the noun:

a. Wy ha mei genôch minsken praat
we have with enough people talked
We have talked to enough people
b. ?Wy ha mei minsken genôch praat
we have with people enough talked
We have talked to enough people
c. Oer genôch ûnderwerpen ha wy no praat
about enough subjects have we now talked
We have talked about enough topics now
d. ?Oer ûnderwerpen genôch ha wy no praat
about subjects enough have we now talked
We have talked about enough topics now
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