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The prefix oare- is applied to the time adverbial moarn tomorrow. It then forms the derivation oaremoarn the day after tomorrow.

[+]General properties

The prefix oare- only occurs in the adverb of time oaremoarn the day after tomorrow. It is related to the prefix oarre- found in kinship terms. It is likewise used to derive a higher degree term, here applied to a temporal term. In this respect, it can be compared to the prefix bet-, which underwent a similar transition from kinship term (see bet- with noun as base) to time adverbials (bet- with adverb as base). Another possibility is a connection with the adjective oar other in its inflected form oare oar-e.


As with the cognate kinship term, the origin of the prefix is to be found in the ordinal oard second, probably by d-rhotacism (see intervocalic /d/ and /r/) after deletion of /r/ (see /r/-deletion in simplex words).

[+]Phonological properties

In contrast to the cognate prefix used in kinship terms, oare- is pronounced with a falling diphthong, i.e. as [o.ərə]. The pronunciation with a broken diphthong, i.e. as [warə], is now obsolete. The stress is on the prefix: OARemoarn.

[+]Morphological potential

The derivation oaremoarn can be prefixed by bet- to betoaremoarn two days after tomorrow.


The parallel with the prefix oarre- used in kinship terms is mentioned in Hoekstra (1998:64).

  • Hoekstra, Jarich1998Fryske wurdfoarmingLjouwertFryske Akademy
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