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Referential NP

The example below illustrates the use of a referential Noun Phrase (NP) as a prepositional complement:

Omdat er grutsk op Saakje wie
because he proud of Saakje was
Because he was proud of Saakje

The examples below illustrate the use of a referential NP:

a. Omdat er grutsk op Saakje wie
because he proud of Saakje was
Because he was proud of Saakje
b. ?Omdat er op Saakje grutsk wie
because he of Saakje proud was
Because he was proud of Saakje

For referential NPs, the difference in grammaticality judgement between placement to the left or right of the adjective is small, and it depends in part on the lexical item involved: referential NPs may appear on either side of the adjective tefreden:

a. Omdat er tefreden mei Saakje wie
because he content with Saakje was
Because he was content with Saakje
b. Omdat er mei Saakje tefreden wie
because he with Saakje content was
Because he was content with Saakje

However, left-hand placement of referential NPs is excluded in case the referential NP intervenes between an intensifier and the adjective. This is illustrated below:

a. Omdat er tige grutsk op Saakje wie
because he very proud of Saakje was
Because he was very proud of Saakje
b. *Omdat er tige op Saakje grutsk wie
because he very of Saakje proud was
Because he was very proud of Saakje
c. Omdat er tefreden mei Saakje wie
because he content with Saakje was
Because he was content with Saakje
d. *Omdat er tige mei Saakje tefreden wie
because he very with Saakje content was
Because he was very content with Saakje

The referential NP can, however, occur to the left of the combination of the intensifier and the adjective:

a. Omdat er op Saakje tige grutsk wie
because he of Saakje very proud was
Because he was very proud of Saakje
b. Omdat er mei Saakje tige tefreden wie
because he with Saakje very content was
Because he was very content with Saakje

The presence of the intensifier apparently makes it possible for the referential NP to occur at the left periphery of the Verb Phrase (VP).

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