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Process quantifiers

Process quantifiers, such as al already, nog still, et., are used as modifiers to describe progression relating to a state indicated by an adjective. Two examples are given below:

Die asbakkie was al vol.
the ash.tray be.PRT already full
The ash tray was full already.
Die battery is nog nie vol nie.
the battery be.PRT not yet full PTCL.NEG
The battery is not yet full.

The four process quantifiers, reflecting progression relating to a state indicated by an adjective, could be said to form a square of negation:

a. al
b. nog
c. nog nie
not yet
d. nie meer ... nie
not anymore … PTCL.NEG
not anymore

They may be used to modify adjectives having a process interpretation. In the examples below, the quantifier used in part depends on the direction of the process. In a situation reflecting the process of filling, al already and nog nie ... nie not yet describe all possible states, whereas in an emptying situation, nog still and nie meer ... nie not anymore describe all possible states:

Direction of the process: filling

Die bottel is al vol. → Die bottel is nog nie vol nie.
the bottle be.PRS already full → the bottle be.PRS yet not full PTCL.NEG
The bottle is already full. → The bottle is not yet full.

Direction of the process: emptying

Die bottel is nog vol. → Die bottel is nie meer vol nie.
the bottle be.PRS still full → the bottle be.PRS no more full PTCL.NEG
The bottle is still full. – The bottle is not full anymore.
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