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Bare supplementives

A bare supplementive consists of a Verb Phrase (VP) predicated of a Noun Phrase (NP) functioning as subject or direct object:

Gurbe sljurke [laitsjend] by de sleatswâl del
Gurbe slid laughing at the ditch.side down
Gurbe slid down the side of the ditch laughing

In the example above, the VP is predicated of the subject.


The supplementive must have the form of a present participle. Infinitives are not found in this construction:

a. *Gurbe sljurke [laitsje] by de sleatswâl del
Gurbe slid laugh.OI at the ditch.side down
Gurbe slid down the side of the ditch laughing
b. *Gurbe sljurke [laitsjen] by de sleatswâl del
Gurbe slid laugh.GI at the ditch.side down
Gurbe slid down the side of the ditch laughing

The supplementive may be expanded with subcategorised material, though the result sounds like written language:

Gurbe sljurke [laitsjend om himsels] by de sleatswâl del
Gurbe slid laughing at himself the ditch.side down
Gurbe slid down the side of the ditch laughing at himself

More productive is the use of the supplementive formed with the suffixed postposition wei away. It sounds more natural to add the suffix -wei away to the present participle. An example is given below:

Gurbe sljurke [laitsjendewei] by de sleatswâl del
Gurbe slid laughing.SUFF at the ditch.side down
Gurbe slid down the side of the ditch laughing
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