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This section provides examples in which Noun Phrases (NPs) function as adverbials of time.


NPs may function as adverbials of time. NPs having generic time reference are appended with an -s suffix. Days of the week can be so used:

Tiisdeis giet se te swimmen
Thursday goes she too swim
Thursday she goes swimming

Parts of the day can be used in this fashion:

Middeis begjint it al hiel betiid te tsjusterjen
afternoon starts it DcP very early to darken
It gets dark very early in the afternoon

Parts of the year can be used in this way:

Simmerdeis kin it goed near wurde yn it bedstee
summer can it good oppressive get in the box bed
Box beds can become very oppressive in summer

The addition of a definite or demonstrative article makes the NP specific:

De middeis dangelen se wer om
the afternoon hung they again PTC
That afternoon, they were again hanging around

The temporal NP can also be found without the -s suffix if it is specific:

Komsto tiisdei by ús Tine?
come.you Thursday to our Tine
Will you visit our Tine coming Thursday?

The -s suffix is obligatory in some cases, optional in other cases. It seems to be obligatory with parts of the day, but not with days of the week. A locative NP may marginally occur without a preposition with the verb wenje to live:

?Amsterdam soe ik net graach wenje wolle
Amsterdam would I not eager live want
I would not want to live in Amsterdam
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