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Partitive adjective construction

The comparative can occur in the partitive (glossed as PTV.GEN) adjective construction, as is evident from this example:

Ek het nie vir iets grot·er·s kans gesien nie.
I have.AUX not for something large·CMPR·PTV.GEN chance see.PST PTCL.NEG
I did not feel up to anything larger.

The comparative also occurs in the partitive construction as a periphrastic structure, as follows:

iets meer samehangend·s – 'n poëtiese tydsbeeld
something more coherent·PTV.GEN – a poetic time.picture
something more coherent – a poetic picture of the time

As in the case of the comparative in general, the partitive construction, as part of the comparative, may be expressed in the form of either a morphological construction (namely by affixing -er) or a syntactic construction (namely by using either the majorative determiner meer or the minorative minder). Each of these possibilities is exemplified below:

Hy is vir iets beter·s as skoolmeester in die wieg gelê.
he be.AUX.PASS.PST for something better·PTV.GEN PTCL.SIMT school.teacher in the cradle lay.PASS
He was meant to be something better than a mere school teacher.
het jy iets meer realisties om na te streef
have.PRS you something more realistic for.COMP after PTCL.INF strive.INF
do you have something more realistic to strive after

Note that the suffix marking the partitive genitive becomes redundant when the adjective itself ends in -s. This applies to both the morphological comparative and the periphrastic determiners meer and minder, as in example (4) above. When the adjective ends in another letter, the default applies:

het in iets minder aangenaam·s ontaard
have.AUX in something less pleasant·PTV.GEN degenerated
has not use it for anything less impressive.

It should further be noted that in the speech (and writings) of some, especially in informal contexts, the suffix -s as a marker of the partitive, falls away (see Comparative). While it seems to occur more frequently in the case of the periphrastic comparative, examples are to be found in the morphological comparative, too, as can be seen below:

ter wille van iets meer winsgewend
at.the will of something more lucrative
for the sake of something more lucrative
dat daar iets beter sal gebeur
that.COMP there something better will.AUX.MOD happen
that something better will happen
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