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Past participles can in principle be nominalised, but the result is marginal at best.


Past participles may be nominalised, although this happens rarely and sounds artificial. Furthermore, past participles of je-verbs may not be nominalised:

a. ?It troch my betochte woene se net oanharkje
the by me thought.up wanted they not listen.to
They did not want to listen to the things I thought up
b. *It troch my befantasearre woene se net oanharkje
the by me thought.up wanted they not listen.to
They did not want to listen to the things I thought up

The presence of the by-phrase makes it clear that the phrase is a Verb Phrase (VP) internally, although it is adjectival externally in that it bears attributive inflection. Many je-verbs may be substandardly and dialectally declined as ordinary verbs in case they are homophonous to Dutch equivalents. If they are, then they may be nominalised:

?It troch my befantasearde woene se net oanharkje
the by me thought.up wanted they not listen.to
They did not want to listen to the things I thought up

Nominalised past participles do not occur in the partitive or as adverbials.


More details can be found in Haan (1993) and Haan (1993).

  • Haan, Rienk de & Hoekstra, Jarich1993Morfologische problemen bij de lexicale uitbreiding van het FriesTabu1-251-62
  • Haan, Rienk de & Hoekstra, Jarich1993Morfologyske tûkelteammen by de leksikale útwreiding fan it FryskIt Beaken5514-31
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