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The effect clause is realised as a Verb-Final clause

The clause expressing the effect to a degree clause may be syntactically realised as a Verb-Final clause, as in the following example:

It is sa kâld, dat wy net iens wurden sizze kinne
it is so cold that we not even words say can
It is so cold that we cannot even say words

Some more examples are given below of Verb-Final clause expressing the effect clause to a degree:

a. It wie sa kâld, dat lâns de wei elk lichemsdiel rampoai frear
it was so cold that along the way each body.part broken froze
It was so cold that along the way every part of the body froze stiff
b. It ketting is sa hjit, dat er it net daaie kin
the chain is so hot that he it not bear can
The chain is so hot that he cannot stand it
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