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AP with clause complement introduced by a PP

The complement of the adjective may be realised by a clause, introduced by a pronominal PP, as in the example below.

Hulle is moeg daarvan dat hulle raadslid nie hul klagtes ernstig opneem nie.
they be.PRS tired R.of that.COMP their council.member not their complaints serious up.take PTCL.NEG
They have had enough of it that their council member does not take their complaints seriously.

In some of these cases, the pronominal PP (e.g. R.of) can be dropped, as in

Hulle is moeg dat vroue en kinders mishandel word.
they be.PRS tired that.COMP women and children abused are
They are (sick and) tired that women and children are being abused.

The prepositional complement of the adjective may be realised as a pronominal PP plus a clause which relates to the preceding R-pronoun. In the examples below, the subordinate clause is linked to and preceded by the discontinuous PP consisting of the R-pronoun daar there, it and the prepositions (here postpositions) oor over and op on:

Ek is verheug daar·oor dat dit gebeur het.
I be.PRS elated PN·over that.COMP it happened has
I am elated that it happened.
James was trots daar·op dat hy die prys gewen het.
James be.PRT proud PN·on that.COMP he the prize won has
James was proud of the fact that he won the prize.

In many cases, the related PP can be dropped, as in the examples below:

Hulle is bly dat dit openbaar gemaak is.
they be.PRS glad that.COMP it public made was
They are glad that that it has been made public.
James was trots dat hy die prys gewen het.
James be.PRT proud that.COMP he the prize won has
James was proud that he won the prize.

In addition to subordinate clauses, prepositional adjectives (Ponelis 1979:276) may also combine with infinitive clauses, as in:

Hy is lief daar·voor om te gesels.
he be.PRS fond PN·for for.COMP PTCL.INF chat.INF
He is fond of chatting.
Nie al die krygsgevangenes was gediend daar·mee om met die onsekerheid saam te leef nie.
not all the prisoners.of.war be.PRT satisfied PN·with for.COMP with the uncertainty together PTCL.INF live.INF PTCL.NEG
Not al the prisoners of war were prepared to put up with living in (the) uncertainty.
Ons is tevrede daar·mee om nog 'n dag te wag.
we be.PRS satisfied PN·with for.COMP more a day PTCL.INF wait.INF
We are satisfied to wait another day.

The link with PP is practically lost, however, in cases where the R-pronoun is dropped. The prepositional adjective besig met busy with has dropped the preposition in combination with the infinitive clause, and takes an aspectual function comparable with the present and past continuous in English, as in:

Die watervlak is besig om te styg.
the water.level be.PRS busy for.COMP PTCL.INF rise.INF
The level of the water is rising.

Adjectives other than prepositional adjectives may also combine with infinitive clauses. These are often past participles functioning as adjectives, as in:

Die verhoor was veronderstel om vandag te begin.
the trial be.PRT supposed for.COMP today PTCL.INF start.INF
The trial was supposed to start today.
Die polisie was verplig om op te tree.
the police be.PRT obliged for.COMP PTCL act.INF
The police was obliged to act.
  • Ponelis, F.A1979Afrikaanse sintaksis.Van Schaik
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