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As PP of type

The following elements can be used as relative pronouns of type:

  • the adverbial pronoun of manner sa so
  • the adverbial pronoun of example lykas like, such as


This relative pronoun turns its antecedent into a type, as is illustrated by the two sentences below. In the first example in (a), the antecedent is a noun, in the second example in (b), the antecedent is the preceding sentence:

a. Boeken sa't Riemersma se skriuwt
books like Riemersma them writes
Books like those written by Riemersma
b. Se giet by him wei nei de itenstafel, sa't it liket mei de bedoeling dêr wat út de wei te setten
she goes from him away to the dinner.table as it seems with the intention there something out the way to set
She walks away from him to the dinner table, as it seems with the intention to perform some task or other

The relative pronoun lykas like has a similar function. It is characteristically used to introduce a type by means of an example:

Boeken lykas Riemersma se skriuwt
books such.as Riemersma them writes
Books such as those written by Riemersma

Relative pronouns of type do not function as the argument of the tensed verb or preposition of the relative clause. Instead, they must co-occur with a pronoun that is coreferential with the antecedent of the relative clause. This pronoun cannot be left out:

*Boeken sa't Riemersma skriuwt
books such.as Riemersma writes
Books such as those written by Riemersma

The pronoun must function as subject or direct object. The following example features a pronoun functioning as indirect object, which is ungrammatical:

*Soldaten sa't de korporaal har de minste putsjes opdraacht
soldiers like the corporal them the worst chores order
Soldiers like those which the corporal orders to do the worst chores

The following example features a pronoun functioning as prepositional complement, which is also ungrammatical:

*Politisy sa't it domme folk graach op har stimt
politicians like the stupid mass eagerly on them votes
Politicians like those which the stupid masses like to vote for
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