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Infinitival clauses

The clausal complement may be infinitival in which it tends to have a subjunctive character. The clausal complement may either be Verb-Final or Verb-Initial, depending on the choice of complementiser.


A noun may take an infinitival clausal complement. Nouns taking an infinitival complement are characteristically nouns denoting requests, wishes, and so on. This may be related to the fact that infinitival clauses introduced by om for tend to have a subjunctive, non-factive, character. Two examples are given below:

a. It idee om in iepenloftspul foar bern te meitsjen, kaam by de kommisje fan Jorwert wei
the idea for a open.air.play for children to make came from the committee of Jorwert away
The idea to make an open air play for children came from the committee of Jorwert
b. In fersyk om de mûne te slopen leit al by de gemeente
a request for the mill to demolish lies DcP at the municipality
A request to demolish the mill has already been sent to the municipality

It is more characteristic of written language than of spoken language for a noun to take an infinitival complement. If a noun allows an infinitival complement introduced by om for, it will also allow an infinitival complement to be introduced by en and, followed by the bare form of the verb. The bare form of the verb is also used for imperatives. For this reason, the resulting construction is referred to as the Imperativus-pro-Infinitivo (IPI), although, semantically, it has nothing to do with imperative force. The two examples above can so be rendered as Verb-Initial bare infinitives, or, in other words, as IPIs:

a. It idee en meitsje in iepenloftspul foar bern, kaam by de kommisje fan Jorwert wei
the idea and make a open.air.play for children came from the committee of Jorwert away
The idea to make an open air play for children came from the committee of Jorwert
b. In fersyk en sloop de mûne leit al by de gemeente
a request en demolish the mill lies DcP at the municipality
A request to demolish the mill has already been sent to the municipality
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