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Adposition Phrases (PPs) always follow the noun. They may or may not restrict the denotation of the Noun Phrase (NP).


PPs always occur following the noun, as illustrated below:

a. In famke mei read hier
a girl with red hair
A girl with red hair
b. *In mei read hier famke
a with red hair girl
A girl with red hair
c. *Mei read hier in famke
with red hair a girl
A girl with red hair

PPs may restrict the denotation of the NP. From this it follows that they can occur with negative quantifiers:

Gjin famke mei read hier
no girl with red hair
No girl with red hair

In order to obtain a non-restrictive interpretation with a negative NP, the disjunct of or must be used. This conjunction quantifies over all values of the PP. In the example below, these values are affirmative and negative:

Gjin famke, mei read hier of net
no girl with red hair or not
No girl, with red hair or not

Some adverbs, such as juster yesterday, may modify the noun without being accompanied by the preposition fan of. A minimal pair is provided below:

a. De krante juster hie in moai ferslach fan de wedstriid
the newspaper yesterday had a nice account of the match
The newspaper yesterday had a nice account of the match
b. De krante fan juster hie in moai ferslach fan de wedstriid
the newspaper of yesterday had a nice account of the match
The newspaper of yesterday had a nice account of the match

These sentences do not mean the same thing. In case the time adverb occurs without a preposition, it must refer to the same time which the verb refers to. This explains the following contrast:

a. *De krante juster hat in moai ferslach fan de wedstriid
the newspaper yesterday has a nice account of the match
The newspaper yesterday has a nice account of the match
b. De krante fan juster hat in moai ferslach fan de wedstriid
the newspaper of yesterday has a nice account of the match
The newspaper of yesterday has a nice account of the match

Furthermore, the time adverb can only occur without a preposition in case the main verb relates to properties of the newspaper itself, as illustrated by the following contrast:

a. De krante juster hie in moai ferslach fan de wedstriid
the newspaper yesterday had a nice account of the match
The newspaper yesterday had a nice account of the match
b. *De krante juster lei op 'e itenstafel
the newspaper yesterday lay on the dinner.table
The newspaper yesterday lay on the dinner table
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