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Absolute with-construction

The absolute with-construction contains a complementiser (the preposition with), the argument of the predication (Dost) and the Adjective Phrase (AP) predicate:

Mei [Dost siik] kinne se wolris ferlieze
with Dost ill can they just lose
With Dost ill, they might just lose

The predicate of an absolute with-construction is usually of the category Adposition Phrase (PP), but AP is also possible:

a. Mei Dost yn topfoarm sil It Fean grif winne
with Dost in great.shape will Heerenveen sure win
With Dost in great shape, Heerenveen is bound to win
b. Mei Dost siik kinne se wolris ferlieze
with Dost ill can they just lose
With Dost ill, they might just lose

The construction may occur at the beginning of the clause as above, but also in the middle and at the end:

a. Se kinne mei Dost siik wolris ferlieze
they can with Dost ill just lose
With Dost ill, they might just lose
b. Se kinne wolris ferlieze mei Dost siik
they can just lose with Dost ill
With Dost ill, they might just lose

The constituent as a whole receives a simultaneous or conditional interpretation with respect to what is described in the main clause. Supplementives also have this semantic property. Furthermore, AP predicates which can otherwise function as supplementives, such as drunk drunk or neaken naked, are easily found in the predicate position of the absolute with construction.

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