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As PP of time

The following elements can be used as relative pronouns of time:

  • the neutral subordinating complementiser dat that
  • the interrogative pronoun of time wannear when
  • the temporal complementiser of past reference doe when


Temporal nouns are the natural antecedents for the relative pronoun of time. The relative pronoun of time is spelled out as the neutral subordinating complementiser dat that, as in the examples below:

a. Sneon is de dei dat hy it gers meant
Saturday is the day that he the grass mows
Saturday is the day that he mows the grass
b. De tiid dat minsken jit net sa jachtich wiene
the time that people yet not so hurried were
The time that people were not yet so much in a hurry

The interrogative pronoun of time may also be used as a relative pronoun of time:

Sneon is de dei wannear't hy it gers meant
Saturday is the day when.COMP he the grass mows
Saturday is the day that he mows the grass

This pronoun may not be used for past reference:

*De tiid wannear't minsken jit net sa jachtich wiene
the time when.COMP people yet not so hurried were
The time that people were not yet so much in a hurry

The temporal complementiser of past reference may be used as a relative temporal pronoun in the latter example:

De tiid doe't minsken jit net sa jachtich wiene
the time when.COMP people yet not so hurried were
The time that people were not yet so much in a hurry

Prefixing the relative R-pronoun to a temporal preposition is ungrammatical, as is illustrated by the two ungrammatical sentences in (5). The first ungrammatical sentence is formed with the complementiser cliticised to the relative R-pronoun. The second ungrammatical sentence below illustrates that the construction cannot be saved by dropping the cliticised complementiser:

a. Hy meant it gers altyd op deselde dei
he mows the grass always on the.same day
He always mows the grass on the same day
b. *Sneon is de dei wêr-op-'t hy it gers meant
Saturday is the day REL.R-on-COMP he the grass mows
Saturday is the day that he mows the grass
c. *Sneon is de dei wêrop hy it gers meant
Saturday is the day REL.R.on he the grass mows
Saturday is the day that he mows the grass

Spelling out the complementiser in full does not result in a grammatical sentence either:

*Sneon is de dei wêrop dat hy it gers meant
Saturday is the day REL.R.on that he the grass mows
Saturday is the day that he mows the grass
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