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Segmental structure of superheavy syllables

A superheavy syllable minimally contains an A-class vowel plus one consonant (AC), a diphthong plus one consonant (DC), or a B-class vowel plus two consonants (BCC). Alternatively, monomorphemic superheavy syllables can also contain up to two additional coronal obstruents (see also rhyme).

[+]General information and examples

A superheavy syllable minimally contains an A-class vowel plus one consonant (AC), a diphthong plus one consonant (DC), or a B-class vowel plus two consonants (BCC) – we will refer to these minimal structures as ‘basic superheavy syllables’.

a. AC
      baan [ban] job
      loon [lon] salary
      ziel [zil] soul
b. DC
      fijn [fɛin] fine
      huis [hœys] house
      kous [kɑus] stocking
c. BCC
      korf [kɔrf] basket
      harp [hɑrp] harp
      half [hɑlf] half

Next to the basic structures AC, DC, and BCC, monomorphemic superheavy syllables can contain up to two additional coronal obstruents, items with two consonants being very rare. In phonology, these positions have been referred to as an appendix. Descriptively, we will refer to syllables of this type as `extended superheavy syllables'.

a. AC + coronal C
      triest [trist] dismal
      baard [bard] beard
      kreeft [kreft] lobster
b. DC + coronal C
      rijst [rɛist] rice
      vuist [vœyst] fist
c. BCC + coronal C
      kerst [kɛrst] Christmas
      arts [ɑrts] physician
d. AC + two coronal C
      eerst [erst] first
      koorts [korts] fever
e. DC + two coronal C
f. BCC + two coronal C
      herfst [hɛrfst] autumn
      ernst [ɛrnst] seriousness
[+]Extended superheavy syllables in morphologically complex words

In morphologically complex words, basic superheavy syllables can be followed by more than two consonants if they are extended with inflectional morphemes, such as the superlative morpheme -st:

promptst [prompt+st] most prompt
markantst [mɑrkɑnt+st] most distinctive
laatst [lat+st] last
[+]Exceptional extended superheavy syllables

There are a handful of items where the additional consonants in superheavy syllables are not coronal. These concern only combinations of A-class vowels plus consonants.

AC + non-coronal C
lantaarn [lɑntarn] lantern
hoorn [horn] horn
toorn [torn] wrath
Weesp [wesp] place name
Baarn [barn] place name
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