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Semantic type

The indefinite PA construction allows a wide range of adjectives, but the definite PA construction is semantically very restricted.


The indefinite PA construction allows a wide range of adjectives, but the definite PA construction is semantically very restricted. Objective adjectives like read red hardly ever occur in the definite construction, while they are common in the indefinite construction. The definite PA construction mainly occurs with subjectively evaluating adjectives like moai beautiful, ferruklik delicous, heavenly, and so on; so the prototypical subjectively evaluating adjective goed good also occurs in this construction. Frisian lacks a full-fledged antonym of goed good but negatively evaluating adjectives like freeslik terrible are also found in this construction:

a. *Al it read-s / lang-s
all the red.PA long.PA
All the red / long stuff
b. Al it freeslik-s / heerlik-s / goed-s
all the terrible.PA delicious.PA good.PA
All the terrible / delicious / good stuff
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