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Adjectives distinguish, as we have seen, between neuter and common gender only in the singular indefinite. Some quantifiers make the same distinction, whereas others do not.


Adjectives distinguish, as we have seen, between neuter and common gender only in the singular indefinite: the zero-ending is used when the construction is singular indefinite neuter, otherwise the schwa ending is used. The definite article and the proximate and distal demonstratives distinguish between neuter and common gender in the singular:

Table 1
Article Proximate Distal
Common de the dizze this dy that
Neuter it it dit this dat that
Adjectives following definite articles and demonstratives do not distinguish between neuter and common gender (weak agreement).

Common: de grutte feint the big guy

Neuter: it grutte hûs the big house

The indefinite article itself does not distinguish between neuter and common gender, nor does the negative article bear such a distinction, but a following adjective does.

Common: in grutte feint a big guy

Neuter: in grut hûs a big house

The upshot is that agreement is either marked on the article (or demonstrative) or on the adjective. If there are more adjectives, agreement targets all of them:

Common: in grutte tûke feint a big smart guy

Neuter: in grut read hûs a big red house

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