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Picture nouns and story nouns

Picture and story nouns form a subclass of nouns. They do not involve an event or a relation but a created object that may involve a possessor, an agent and a theme.


Picture nouns may have three Adposition Phrases (PPs), a possessor, an agent and a theme, as in example (1). Each PP may be introduced by the preposition fan of:

It skilderij 'It Tepidarium' fan dy bleate frou fan Alma Tadema fan 'e firma Pears
the painting 'the Tepidarium' of that naked woman of Alma Tadema of the company Pears
The painting 'The Tepidarium' of a naked woman by Alma Tadema belonging to Pears Ltd

In the example above, the first fan of PP mentions the theme, the second one mentions the agent and the third the owner. Story nouns may likewise have three PPs, a possessor, an agent and a theme, as in the following example. The theme must be introduced by the preposition oer about:

Dat boek fan Jelmer fan Homeros oer de Trojaanse oarloch
that book of Jelmer of Homer about the Trojan war
That book of Jelmer of Homer about the Trojan war

It seems possible to add a fourth PP to example (2) above, representing the translator:

Dat boek fan Jelmer fan Homeros fan Bruinsma oer de Trojaanse oarloch
that book of Jelmer of Homer of Bruinsma about the Trojan war
That book of Jelmer of Homer of Bruinsma about the Trojan war
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