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Noun as base

The commonest function that we find in the derivation of adjectives from nouns is similative or ornative. The adjectives then have a meaning of "resembling {noun}", or "with (much) {noun}". The most important suffixes here are -eftich, -ich (including its variant -erich) and -sk (including its variant -ysk). -Eftich and -ich are special in that they may also have the meaning "fond of {noun}", however only in the context of negative polarity. The unproductive suffix -ommen stands out in that it is also emphatic. The suffixes -sk and -lik may also have a wider meaning of "related to {noun}" or "having the property of {noun}". Moreover, the unproductive suffix -sum rather has the meaning "providing {noun}". The suffix -ber is comparable in this respect, although it has also a modal flavour (similar to its much more common use with verbal bases). This modality can also be found in non-native -abel.

The function of the suffixes mentioned above is often somewhat vague, and it is therefore not impossible that one suffix can be exchanged for one of the others. This is different with some other suffixes that take a nominal base. One example is -leas, which is clearly negative. Its meaning can be described as "without {noun}". The suffixes -en and -s are used for deriving material adjectives; the latter may also represent the value of a coin. A time span can be adjectivized by adding -liks.


More details about the suffixes can be found by following the corresponding links (alpabetical order):

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