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The superlative complement is realised as an Adposition Phrase (PP) directly containing a Noun Phrase (NP) as its prepositional complement. The preposition may be stranded under relativization, but not under question formation.


The superlative differs from the comparative in that the superlative complement cannot be a clause introduced by dat that, whereas the comparative complement can. The superlative complement is introduced by the preposition fan of, and, correspondingly, it allows preposition stranding under relativization:

a. De jongfeinten dêr't Rintsje [de langste fan] wie
the young.men REL.R Rintsje the.CG tallest of was
Rintsje was the tallest of the young men
b. De jongfeinten dêr't Rintsje [it langst fan] wie
the young.men REL.R Rintsje the.NG tallest of was
Rintsje was the tallest of the young men

It is not possible, though, to come up with examples of preposition stranding under question formation:

*Wêr wie hy de / it langste fan?
WH.R was he the.CG / the.NG longest of
Lit: Where was he the tallest of?

It is possible to come up with examples involving pied piping, but only if persons are involved, not things, though it seems somewhat odd to question the reference set:

a. Fan wa wie Rintsje de / it langst?
of who was Rintsje the.CG / the.NG longest
Who was Rintsje the tallest of?
b. Wêr-fan wie Rintsje it langst?
WH.R-of was Rintsje the.NG longest of
Who was Rintsje the tallest of?
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