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Modification by quantifiers

Measure nouns can be preceded by the following quantificational elements:

  • the indefinite article in a
  • the high degree marker sa'n, which consists of the adverb sa so and the indefinite article
  • the negative article gjin no.
Measure nouns can be modified by a universal quantifier in case they can be pluralised.


An example of a measure noun preceded by the high degree marker sa'n such a is given below:

Dan hellest wer sa'n soad oeral, ek by dysels
then take.2SG again such.a lot chaotically also at yourself
Then you dig up such a mess, also within yourself

An example of a measure noun preceded by the negative article is given below:

Te praten, och, der wie gjin soad
to talk well there was no lot
To talk, well, there was not a lot

Some measure nouns cannot be preceded by the definite article, the universal quantifier or numerals, whereas others can. The noun soad lot cannot be modified by the universal quantifier, presumably because it lacks a plural:

a. *Alle soad minsken
all lot people
All lots of people
b. *Alle soaden minsken
all lot people
All lots of people

The measure noun of low quantity bytsje bit may be modified by the universal quantifier:

Alle bytsjes wetter
all bits water
All bits of water

Measure nouns of exact quantity may only be modified by a universal quantifier in case the measure noun can receive an individuated interpretation. The example below suggests an individuated interpretation, for example, that the potatoes were packed per kilo:

Alle kilo's jirpels waarden ferkocht
all kilos potatoes were sold
All kilos of potatoes were sold
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