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Measure phrase

The degree phrase can be modified by a quantified measure phrase, as in the example below:

Se is trije jier te jong
she is three year too young
She is three years too young

The degree phrase can be modified by a quantified measure phrase, which indicates how much the degree exceeds the high degree limit. The degree phrase cannot be modified by lexical intensifiers like tige very (or Dutch hogelijk highly and lichtelijk lightly):

a. *Se is my tige te jong
she is my very too young
She seems very too young to me
b. Se is my fiersten te jong
she is me far.SUP.? too young
She is far too young for me

The form fiersten only occurs in this specific use, forming a fixed combination with te too. The combination is often written as one word fierstente far too. It derives etymologically from the superlative of fier far, lengthened by the ending -en, of unknown origin. The form fiersten seems to function as a stand-in high degree modifier. This is related to the fact that the degree phrase cannot be modified by the 'normal' high degree modifier in protte a lot , whereas the 'normal' low degree modifier in bytsje a little is fine:

a. *Se is my in protte te jong
she is me a lot too young
She seems way too young to me
b. Se is my in bytsje te jong
she is me a little too young
She is a bit too young for me

If the adjective's meaning allows this, an exact measure phrase is also possible:

a. Se is trije jier te jong
she is three year too young
She is three years too young
b. Hoefolle jier is se te jong?
how.many year is she too young
How many years is she too young?

An exact measure phrase is incompatible with the presence of an evaluator, presumably because the evaluator requires a subjective evaluation, and an exact measure phrase an objective one:

a. *Se is my trije jier te jong
she is me three year too young
She is three years too young to me
b. Se is my wat te jong
she is me somewhat too young
She is somewhat too young for me
c. Se is my aardich wat jierren te jong
she is me quite some years too young
She is quite some years too young for me
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